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Our Vision is to Inspire, Educate, and Collaborate with Individuals and Organizations in Achieving Sustainability

Our Goal is to be a credible Think-Tank for Leadership, Education and Partnership in Sustainability for the World

Creating Meaningful Change for Sustainable Future

Our planet’s condition is rapidly changing due to climate change, and we know that it becomes more drastic with each passing moment. For the future of our world, we realize that major changes need to be made to keep our planet livable, but many of those changes can only be brought on by those with the capacity to do so. Due to this, businesses now play a vital role in our current society.

Read full mission statement

We are committed to your success

At ISA, giving our best is not just an option, it is something that we know we must do. We don’t want to simply give businesses their basic needs in sustainability, but we also want to go beyond it. Ensuring the satisfaction of those that collaborate with us is a task that we constantly keep in mind.

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Let Us Help you to Achieve Sustainability

ESG Roadmap, Policies, Target and Metrics

Impact Analysis and Reporting

Sustainability Report

Vocational Studies
Collaboration with Australia-based Polytechnic

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Pelindo Fasilitasi Pelatihan ESG di Lima SMK Pelayaran di Jakarta
Pelatihan Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG).


Double Materiality, CSR, & ESG
Distinction of Double Materiality, ESG, & CSR


Keterkaitan ESG, CSR, dan SDGs: Mengapa Kita Harus Memahaminya - Part 2
This article is courtesy of Media Indonesia


Keterkaitan ESG, CSR, dan SDGs: Mengapa Kita Harus Memahaminya? Part 1
This article is courtesy of Media Indonesia


Carbon Capture Technology: Demystifying the Hype Around CCUS & DAC
How can we capture carbon from the air?


Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship: Bridging Social Issues to Sustainable Solutions
Institute for Sustainability and Agility

Our Clients

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